

Maxbiolight (product) may be used alongside any other therapy whether orthodox medical or complementary. However it should not be considered as an alternative to professional medical advice or intended as a substitute for professional medical opinion and/or as a cure or substitute for any medical treatment of any nature whatsoever. The buyer and/or user is advised to seek its own professional medical advice in the event it has any doubts in connection with the use of this product prior to its use. Should the buyer and/or user experience any contraindication of any nature whatsoever or feel that it may, the buyer and/or user should immediately consult its medical practitioner/physician and seek professional medical advice. It is the responsibility of the buyer and/or user to ensure that this product's use in appropriate for any particular application. The information contained herein has been comply from sources believed to be reliable but no warranty, expressed or implied, is given that the information is complete or accurate nor that it is fit for a particular purpose. All such warranties are expressly disclaimed and excluded. Any opinion, recommendations and forecasts provided are not necessarily the current opinion, recommendations and forecast of the sources and may be changed without notice at any time. All liability howsoever arising from any error in or omission herein and for all consequences of relying on it are expressly disclaimed. The bio light is sold "as is" without any warranty on its usages but is warranty on its electronic components only for one (1) year except the Battery and Charger.  We hereby disclaim all warranties and conditions with regard to use of these products including all implied warranties and conditions or merchant ability and fitness for a particular purpose. We does not warrant against damages or defects arising out of use of these products; against defects or damages arising from improper installation, or against defects in these products.  No warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, is made regarding the safety of these products. The entire risk as to the use, quality or performance of these products is with the buyer and/or user. To the maximum extend permitted by law, in no event we be responsible or liable for any personal injury and/or death, direct, indirect, punitive, incidental, special, consequential damages, including, without limitation, financial loss, loss of profits, loss of business or any indirect or consequential loss, howsoever it arises, or any damages whatsoever arising out or connected with the use or misuse of these products or from any action or decision taken as a result of using these products. Should these products prove defective following purchase, the buyer and/or user and not us assumes the entire cost of all necessary servicing and repair. Maxbiolight should not have any obligation with respect to these products or any part thereof, whether based on contract, tort, strict liability or otherwise. The buyer and/or user assumes all risks and liability from use of these products. Neither, Maxbiolight nor any representatives, agent or employee nor any connected company or party shall be liable to the buyer and/or user of these products or to any third party for any loss or injury arising out of the information or any actions taken or not taken in response to any information or the buyer and/or user use of (or inability to use) these products and terms and conditions of this disclaimer and limitation shall apply here as necessary. Alternatively in the event any liability does attach in connection with the use of these products, Maxbiolight's liability shall be restricted to the actual value of these products, subject to evidence or payment being produced of proof or purchase. The term of this disclaimer shall be severable and shall ensure and subsist in our favour in the event any part of this disclaimer and limitations is held to be invalid for any reason. The disclaimer and limitation and all its terms and conditions shall be governed by Malaysian law. 


Updated: Dec 2, 2014